Pulitura e cambio colore...
Cambia il colore della tua borsa in pelle ed avrai una borsa nuova in pochi semplici passaggi!
Reference: tappezzeria divano
Do you want to replace your sofa's upholstery? Want to go from a fabric or eco-leather cover to a real leather?
One of the most sought after services to our artisans is the lining or the refinement of the lining of a couch, you can switch from a fabric or leathercoat to one leather or simply replace the cover completely, changing its color or type of leather. It's a precision upholstery that we perform with the utmost professionalism. You can choose directly from us the kind of leather you want according to the needs of your furniture or your tastes. Go to our lab to get a quote for this service, as it is not possible to set a standard rate because each couch is different in terms of size and difficulty in executing the room.